The Meadowgreen CA Executive met December 14th and a few items were moved forward. There will be a Meadowgreen Open House on February 1 st, 2011 to discuss the three different sign proposals for the corner of Witney Avenue and 22nd Street. Stay tuned the signs are all very unique and it will be interesting to hear people's perspectives on which sign would be the sign to represent our community.
Outdoor soccer registration will take place in February stay tuned for more details.
The Meadowgreen Community Fair will be held on May 31st, 2011. If you are a Meadowgreen resident and would like to be involved in the planning or you would like to volunteer that day please contact Pat at 382-6514.
The Meadowgreen CA Rink is open and extremely busy. This is a reminder to all users to keep the hockey rink gate shut when people are playing hockey. There are no sticks allowed on the rink outside the hockey rink - it is for skating only.
The Meadowgreen newsletter will be published mid-January so tuned for more information. The next Community Association meeting will be January 11th, 2011 NOT January 18th as previously stated. The public is invited to come and listen. If you have a Meadowgreen issue that you wish discussed please contact Pat (382-6514) to get on the agenda.
Have a safe and happy Christmas!
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
November Executive Meeting
The Meadowgreen Community Association Executive met this evening and widdled the list of potential signs for the corner of Witney Avenue and 22nd Street down to three potential signs. The three signs will be available for viewing at the next CA meeting on December 14th. After that meeting more information will be forthcoming as to how the Executive plans to proceed with public input into the sign process and a major fund raising initiative for the sign.
At the same time, the Executive is looking further into a commemmorative marker for the old site of W.P. Bate school. The saved bricks from the demolished school have been located and the Executive will look for the old school marker to see if it can be incorporated in the commemmorative marker in the now called "Dutchak Park". More details will be coming.
As the weather continues to be cold the Meadowgreen Community Association rink may be available for skating in early December. Stay tuned here for when it will be available for public skating and supervised skating hours.
The next MCA newsletter will be out in January if you have information for the newsletter please contact Brad Peters, Newsletter editor.
At the same time, the Executive is looking further into a commemmorative marker for the old site of W.P. Bate school. The saved bricks from the demolished school have been located and the Executive will look for the old school marker to see if it can be incorporated in the commemmorative marker in the now called "Dutchak Park". More details will be coming.
As the weather continues to be cold the Meadowgreen Community Association rink may be available for skating in early December. Stay tuned here for when it will be available for public skating and supervised skating hours.
The next MCA newsletter will be out in January if you have information for the newsletter please contact Brad Peters, Newsletter editor.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
MCA October Director's Meeting
The Executive met on October 25th to discuss the plans for the new term. The main goal is to move forward on the "Meadowgreen Welcomes You" sign for the corner of 22nd Street and Witney Ave. Hopefully at the November meeting a short list of potential signs will be created. As well, the Executive hopes to put up a commemorative plaque at the old W.P. Bate School site on Ottawa Ave. Bricks were saved from the demolished school and it is hoped that they will be used in this project.
The Executive will endeavor to operate the rink this winter and it is hoping to find a sponsor to help defray the costs since the City of Saskatoon's grant of $1000. does not cover the cost of running the rink.
The Executive will endeavor to operate the rink this winter and it is hoping to find a sponsor to help defray the costs since the City of Saskatoon's grant of $1000. does not cover the cost of running the rink.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Monthly Community Association Meetings
The Meadowgreen Community Association meets normally on the third Tuesday of every month in the community room at W.P. Bate School on 18th Street. Residents of Meadowgreen are welcome to attend the meetings and will be asked for general comments at the end of the meeting's agenda. If community members wish to bring an item to the attention of the Executive please contact the President before the monthly meeting and the item will be put on the agenda.
The Executive meeting in October is moved to Monday, October 25th and the November meeting will be on the third Tuesday - November 16th.
There are still two executive positions open - Seniors Coordinator and Newsletter Distribution. If you wish to volunteer or want more information please contact Pat at 382-6514.
The Executive meeting in October is moved to Monday, October 25th and the November meeting will be on the third Tuesday - November 16th.
There are still two executive positions open - Seniors Coordinator and Newsletter Distribution. If you wish to volunteer or want more information please contact Pat at 382-6514.
Annual General Meeting
The Meadowgreen Community Association was held on October 5, 2010 at W.P. Bate School in the Community Room. The Directors presented reports as to the Association's accomplishments last year. The Meadowgreen Constitution was revised as presented and then elections took place. The Executive for 2010-1011 is President - Pat Tymchatyn; Vice-President - Gordon Wensley; Civics Director - Peter Kozakavich; Treasurer - Vicki Roy; Secretary - Diane Fisher; Newsletter Editor - Brad Peters; Housing Coordinator - Jerry Bartzen; Program Coordinator - Yvonne Boehr; Community Watch - Bob Roy; Rink Coorinator - Alfred Bobier. The positions of Seniors Coordinator and Newsletter Distribution remain vacant.
Issues noted at the meeting included keeping the stroll away from Meadowgreen, community notification of Director's meetings, and housing issues. The Executive was thanked for their work.
Issues noted at the meeting included keeping the stroll away from Meadowgreen, community notification of Director's meetings, and housing issues. The Executive was thanked for their work.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Peter Pond Park gets a new Play Structure
After months of waiting for the new play structure in Peter Pond Park, between Winnipeg and Ottawa 200 block south, the structure was finally constructed in the last days of August. Meadowgreen Community Association thanks the City of Saskatoon for adding four swings for everyone to use plus the two toddler swings. The children will love the whale waiting for them to ride as it was an instant hit with the children from four to ten who tried it out last Sunday!
The new play structure has two tiers for different abilities and includes two slides, a small rock climbing experience and a fireman's pole. I am sure everyone who uses the new structure will be pleased with the unit. As one resident said to, "This is the best Peter Pond has ever been and I grew up here!" So come out and try the new play structure.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
MCA Fair a tremendous success!
The Community Room was filled with informative displays from various community groups including the Saskatoon Police Service Community Watch, SIAST Student Recruitment, White Buffalo Lodge, Saskatoon Community Heath etc.
The Saskatoon Fire Department brought out their vintage fire truck which was a hit with young and old. The Saskatoon Police Street Legal race car was also on display. The biggest hit with the youngest participants was Beeper the Clown - who kept everyone entertained with her Magic Show and then the many animal balloons she made! Wow!!!
Not to be out done the Hub City Square Dancing and Round Dance Association came out and entertained the crowd with square dancing and then had the crowd participating. If you look at the circle on the right and notice the gentleman in shorts it is a Saskatoon Police Office, from the Bicyle Patrol, giving a try at square dancing. What a good sport - not to mention dancer! (Click on the picture to see a close-up.)
Overall the evening was a lot of fun and excitement for all the participants. MCA would like to thank everyone who came out and helped us make the event memorable including Ebenezer Baptist Church (All Nations Center on Ave W) for barbequing and donating food, all the exhibitors who came out, Mendel Art Gallery Art Caravan, Saskatoon Police Bicycle Patrol, Saskatoon Police Street Legal Race Car, Hub City Square Dancing Association and the W.P. Bate Metis Jiggers. Thanks as well to Sask Lotteries for providing some funding to help us put on this event.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Meadowgreen Fair, June 1, 2010
The Meadowgreen Fair will be June 1st beginning at 5 p.m. At 5 p.m. the W.P.Bate School Metis Jiggers will entertain the crowd. At 5:30 p.m. the Saskatoon City Police Bicycle Patrol will give a talk about bicycle safety. At 6:00 p.m. Beeper the Clown will do a magic show and at 6:30 p.m. get ready to kick up your heels with the Hub City Square Dancing Club. As well there will be plenty of displays and information booths for everyone's enjoyment and the Saskatoon Street Legal Race car will be on display along with a City Fire Truck - so bring your cameras. As well there will be an oversized boxing gloves so come and duk it out. There will be plenty of food, drink and entertainment.
Come out and visit with your friends and neighbors! Rain or shine the Meadowgreen Fair will be taking place at Meadowgreen Park and W.P. Bate School 18th Street and Avenue Y South.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Garage Sale a success!!!
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Meadowgreen Community Garage Sale, May 8, 2010
Meadowgreen residents are encouraged to participate in the community garage sale on May 8, 2010 from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.. Get cleaning and get that extra stuff out of the way. There is sure to be someone who will be excited to find that special item at the Meadowgreen Garage Sale.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
March Executive Meeting - March 16, 2010
On March 16th the Meadowgreen Community Association met to discuss community issues.
Soccer registration took place and five teams will be entered into the Saskatoon Youth Soccer. Saskatoon Youth Soccer has taken on Popsicle as its sponsor for 10 and Under soccer league. The Executive noted that with today's concern about obesity in children perhaps SYC should consider the health issues prior to obtaining sponsors. Outdoor soccer will start in May.
Two pedestrian walkways that need repairs were reported to the City: between Witney and Montreal where a car hit a concrete post and rebar is sticking out and the walkway between the old W.P. Bate School and Montreal Ave which hasn't been fixed since it was dug up 2 years ago.
The Community Barbeque and Safety Fair will be taking place on June 1st at Meadowgreen Park and W.P. Bate School. The school has been approached for entertainment items. Community residents who may want to participate should approach an Executive member or call Pat at 382-6514.
Peter Pond Park,between the 200 block of Ottawa and Winnipeg South, will receive NEW playground equipment this spring. The Executive noted that the City is replacing the present preteen equipment with limited toddler equipment. The Executive is against the removal of the present swing to be replaced with a small toddler swing. The Executive has sent a letter to the City requesting that the Park equipment meet the same preteen playground equipment needs and that if they want to meet the toddler requirements that this be an add on.
A resident has requested a Meadowgreen Garage Sale. The Executive has decided that May 8th will be the date of the Meadowgreen Garage Sale. This date will be noted in the April newsletter.
The next Meadowgreen newsletter will be out in mid-April. April 9th is the last day for articles for the newsletter. Please contact Brad Peters regarding the newsletter.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
February Executive Meeting, Feb. 23, 2010
Sample of possible W.P. Bate (old site marker)
The Meadowgreen Community Association discussed many issue at the Executive meeting on February 23rd. The following items were discussed and many decisions were made:
a) Soccer - The CA decided to adopt the Saskatoon Youth Soccer job description for use in Meadowgreen. The outdoor soccer registration fees, which will include a free t-shirt, are $40 for the under 6 and under 8 players and $55. for the under 10 players.
b) Newsletter distribution - There are still a few blocks in Meadowgreen that do not have a person to deliver the newsletter. If you can help, contact Pat at 382-6514.
c) Community Barbeque/Safety Fair - Tuesday, June 1st, 2010 - Still looking for ideas as to what types of activities to include. If you have any ideas, please pass them on to an Executive member.
d) Meadowgreen (Welcome)Sign - The Executive has decided to place the "Meadowgreen Welcomes You!" sign on the corner of 22nd and Witney Ave. No decision has been made on the type of sign.
e) The W.P. Bate marker - A decision was made to see if a marker could be made that is similar to the Canada Heritage Markers. More investigation is necessary. An example of this sign is the one on 2nd Ave North - the old Western Producer Building.
f) MCA donated $200. to the Mount Royal Collegiate 50th Anniversary Celebration which will be held on September 25th, 2010. More information may be found at
Monday, February 22, 2010
Soccer Registration - Thursday, February 25, 2010
Soccer Registration will take place from 5 to 7 p.m. at W.P. Bate School on Thursday, February 25. There are three groups of player 6 and under, 8 and under and 10 and under. Soccer fees will be charged for this Saskatoon-wide soccer initiative. The fees are as follows: Under 6 $40.; Under 8 $40 and Under 10 $55. These fees are paid to the Community Association but go directly to Saskatoon Youth Soccer who does the overall organizing and scheduling of soccer in Saskatoon. Please note that all registered participants will keep their soccer t-shirt at the end of the soccer season as a momento of their participation.
Funding is available, please ask the Meadowgreen Program Coordinator for more information, Yvonne 955-0035.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Cross-country Ski Trail opens
The Meadowgreen Cross-Country Ski Trail opened in the park (field)south of Applyby Drive February 1st due to the abundance of snow we received in the last week. Once you have finished skiing the Meadowgreen loop you can cross Ave W and continue the skiing expedition in Fred Mendel Park. Happy skiing!
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Meadowgreen Executive Meeting
The Meadowgreen Executive met on January 19th and discussed a number of important issues.
1) Programming - Why people are not signing up for programs? If you have a programming idea, please let a member of the Executive know as it is quite disappointing to offer programs and have no one sign up.
2) Soccer Registration - City-wide outdoor soccer for kids 10 and under will take place Tuesday, February 23rd. A soccer coordinator is still needed if you can help, please contact Yvonne Boehr.
3) Community Barbeque and Safety Fair will take place on Tuesday, June 1st, 2010. If you would like to help with this event contact an Executive member.
4) Newsletter delivery. If you can help with the newsletter delivery - there are routes available. The newsletter is delivered approximately 5 times a year.
Reminder: The Meadowgreen rink is operated by the Meadowgreen Community Association, please no sticks on the small rink. During public skating hours there are no sticks allowed on either rinks. The rink is for everyone's use so please use it safely.
1) Programming - Why people are not signing up for programs? If you have a programming idea, please let a member of the Executive know as it is quite disappointing to offer programs and have no one sign up.
2) Soccer Registration - City-wide outdoor soccer for kids 10 and under will take place Tuesday, February 23rd. A soccer coordinator is still needed if you can help, please contact Yvonne Boehr.
3) Community Barbeque and Safety Fair will take place on Tuesday, June 1st, 2010. If you would like to help with this event contact an Executive member.
4) Newsletter delivery. If you can help with the newsletter delivery - there are routes available. The newsletter is delivered approximately 5 times a year.
Reminder: The Meadowgreen rink is operated by the Meadowgreen Community Association, please no sticks on the small rink. During public skating hours there are no sticks allowed on either rinks. The rink is for everyone's use so please use it safely.
Monday, January 4, 2010
Meadowgreen CA Rink Now Open
The Meadowgreen Community Association rink opened to the public over the Christmas Break. The rink is supervised and the Play unit is available to warm-up on Sundays 1:30 to 4:30; Tuesday and Friday from 4:30 p.m. to 7:30. Other days the rink is available to Community members to skate until 10 p.m.(lights are out then).
Please note there are NO STICKS allowed on the small rink. There are no sticks allowed on the fenced rink during the Supervised skates as well.
If you require more information regarding rink operations contact Alfred Bobier or Peter Kozakavich.
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