Approximately 25 community members attended the SCAN meeting held at W.P.Bate School on November 3, 2009. Attendees learned that SCAN deals with three main areas: drug dealing, prostitution and gangs. The Unit tends to do a lot of surveillance work thus people who are affected by any one of these areas should see a lot of coming and going from a house or apartment building. The results of their investigations is usually the eviction of the individual or individuals.
If you have noticed any unusual amounts of traffic to a house near you please phone 1-866-51-safer. This phone number goes to Regina but you will be phoned back by the Saskatoon Unit.
Please note that SCAN does not deal with "party" houses or neighbors causing issues if it doesn't fall into their three areas (prostitution, drugs and gangs).
If you would like to discuss an issue please contact Wayne Miners, Community Watch Director at 978-4658.