The Meadowgreen Community Association Directors met on June 12, 2012 to review the Meadowgreen Fair and BBQ and to discuss future plans. On the whole the Directors were happy with the fact that the BBQ food line-up ran smoothly and that there weren't long line-ups like we faced in the past couple of years. The entertainment was great and everyone enjoyed seeing the Saskaton Fire truck and Saskatoon Police car. There will be more of an effort next year to attract vendors for the display tables inside in the Community Room as it is a great event.
This fall a door-to-door campaign will be undertaken to raise funds for the Meadowgreen Community Association Ice Rink on the corner of Ave X and 18th Street. It is hoped that Meadowgreen residents see the importance of the rink to the community from a great place for youngsters to learn how to skate, to the many hours some of the kids spend playing shinny. Moreover active kids are kids that do better in school and are not as likely to get into trouble. The Community Association "Support our Community Rink" campaign will take place on Sunday, September 16, 2012. We hope that you will help our children have a community rink this winter.
The 22nd Street sign is also going ahead this summer but with a revised design to reduce costs. The sign will be built with bricks and not stone and likely will be smaller in size. Stay tuned for more details.