Wednesday, October 17, 2012

MCA Meeting, October 16, 2012

The MCA Executive for 2012 - 2013 met on Tuesday, October 16, 2012 to discuss the upcoming year.  The Executive will continue to meet on the 3rd Tuesday of the month and community members are welcome to come and listen, join or voice their community concerns.  The schedule is the following: Nov. 13; Dec. 11; Jan. 15; Feb. 12; March 19; April 16; May 14; June 11; Sept. 3; Sept. 24 and Oct. 1 is the Annual General Meeting.  If you would like more information, please contact Pat at 382-6514 or any Executive member.

The following events are planned for the upcoming year:  Meadowgreen Clean-up - April 21; Meadowgreen Fair and BBQ - May 28 and Meadowgreen Garage Sale - June 1. A rink fundraiser will be planned for Sept. 14th to the 22nd, 2013.

Outdoor Soccer Registration for children 3 to 10 years old will take place in February - likely Feb. 26th and, yes, we know you aren't thinking about spring activities yet - but that is the likely timeframe to get teams in place.

The following positions are vacant on the Community Association: Vice-President; Newsletter Editor; Newsletter Distribution; Rink Coordinator and Newsletter Distribution.  If you would like to get involved and have some time to help out your community please call Pat at 382-6514 or any Executive member.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Citizen Patrol walks Sunday, Oct. 21, 2012

This Sunday, the Meadowgreen Citizen Patrol will walk our community from 2 to 4 p.m.  The Citizen Patrol is a Saskatoon Police Force initiative in which citizens take the initiative to know their community better and to report any suspicious activity.  Rose Marie Wutke is the coordinator and she can be reached at 934-1109 if you would like more information or would like to volunteer.  Citizen Patrol volunteers will meet at W.P. Bate School this Sunday at 2 p.m. to begin the patrol.  You are welcome to come out and join us!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Meadowgreen Community Association AGM

On October 2nd the Meadowgreen Community Association held its Annual General Meeting.  Inspector Yuzdepski,Central Division, Saskatoon Police Department was on hand to discuss how to reduce break and enters into homes and thefts from vehicles.  He noted that property crimes in Meadowgreen are down 15% over the past five years.  Inspector Yuzdepski encouraged people to ensure that their home looked lived in, to know their neighbors and to keep valuables out of sight (close your curtains at night so people don't see your large screen tv).  He also encouraged people to call the Saskatoon Police to report crimes or things that look suspicious (like kids trying car door handles) since even if the police don't show up they are driven by crime statistics.  That means that the more calls an area receives the more that they are likely to patrol that area.  The discussion on all kinds of issues in the community were discussed and Inspector Yuzdepski encouraged people to contact Bob Roy, Community Watch Director if they had any concerns.  Bob sits on the Central Districts Community Committee which discusses issues that affect the neighborshoods from the river to Circle Drive and 11th Street to 33rd Street. Inspector Yuzdepski was thanked for coming out on his 2nd day on the job by Pat Tymchatyn, President.
The Annual General Meeting was called to order at 7:45 by Pat and Hannah Chukwu was appointed secretary.  The minutes were accepted from the November 3rd, 2011 meeting and the financial review was given by Vicki Roy.
Pat noted that Meadowgreen has many talented people and what does it take to get them involved in the Community Association.  The Executive was elected for 2012 - 2013
President - Pat Tymchatyn
Vice-President - vacant
Treasurer - Vicki Roy
Secretary - Hannah Chukwu
Civics Director - Rina Velkenkamp
Senior Director - Mike Murgul
Program Director - Yvonne Boehr
Newsletter Editor - vacant
Newsletter Distributor - vacant
Housing Director - vacant
Community Watch Director- Bob Roy
Rink Director - vacant
Rose Marie Wutke volunteered to continue on in trying to establish a Citizen Patrol in Meadowgreen.

People discussed what it would take to get others involved in their community.  The importance of finding people to work on the rink was emphasized as keeping the rink going is an important community initiative. If you know someone interested in either supervising the rink or working o n the rink please let an Executive member know.  The meeting was closed by the President at 8:45 p.m.

If you are interested in working on the Executive you are encouraged to contact Pat at 382-6514 or

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Community Campaign to Raise Funds this fall

The Meadowgreen Community Association Directors met on June 12, 2012 to review the Meadowgreen Fair and BBQ and to discuss future plans. On the whole the Directors were happy with the fact that the BBQ food line-up ran smoothly and that there weren't long line-ups like we faced in the past couple of years.  The entertainment was great and everyone enjoyed seeing the Saskaton Fire truck and Saskatoon Police car.  There will be more of an effort next year to attract vendors for the display tables inside in the Community Room as it is a great event.
This fall a door-to-door campaign will be undertaken to raise funds for the Meadowgreen Community Association Ice Rink on the corner of Ave X and 18th Street.  It is hoped that Meadowgreen residents see the importance of the rink to the community from a great place for youngsters to learn how to skate, to the many hours some of the kids spend playing shinny.  Moreover active kids are kids that do better in school and are not as likely to get into trouble.  The Community Association "Support our Community Rink" campaign will take place on Sunday, September 16, 2012.  We hope that you will help our children have a community rink this winter.
The 22nd Street sign is also going ahead this summer but with a revised design to reduce costs.  The sign will be built with bricks and not stone and likely will be smaller in size. Stay tuned for more details.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Meadowgreen Fair and BBQ enjoys sunshine!

After two days of rain, sunshine came to the community of Meadowgreen and friends and neighbors enjoyed the Meadowgreen Fair and BBQ on May 29th, 2012. Over 480 people of all ages came out to enjoy the activities!  The jugglers from the Saskatoon Juggling Club were a crowd pleaser and some of the kids tried their hand at juggling.
Many of the kids enjoyed the jousting jumper from Apollo Games.  While everyone enjoyed watching the jousting I think the participants had the most fun if measured in smiles and laughter.  It was a winner with the older kids and teenagers while the car jumper was a success with the younger crowd.
Roger Boucher from Watching Eye Magic had the crowd's attention as he performed his magic tricks.  There were a number of kids who tried to figure out his magic tricks and participated in his magic.  Sylvia from Singing with Sylvia charmed the children with her singing show.
The line-up was long for the face painting done by SCYAP volunteers. Close to 190 children were thrilled to have their faces or hands painted.  We saw tigers, cats, flowers and other wonderful designs.  SCYAP was a great addition to our event.

In addition to all the activities, the Saskatoon Fire Department came out with their fire truck and lots of people were thrilled to climb up and take a look at all the gadgets.  The Saskatoon Police were also in attendance along with the bike patrol.  Young and older enjoyed the interaction and information from the officers. Danielle Chartier, Riversdale's MLA was on hand with her daughter to take part in the festivities and brought greetings.

Meadowgreen Community Association thanks Saskatchewan Lotteries for funding.  The House of All Nations for their donation of hamburgers and buns as well as all their volunteer help.  CHEP for the donation watermelons and for their help in securing juice boxes. A big thank you to the Executive members who helped out and brought out their friends and neighbors to put on the event.  PBR Auctions for their donation of a Tablet for the Draw and the tables for the event. A big thank you to everyone who came out and participated and made this year's fair a huge success!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Meadowgreen Fair and BBq, May 29th

Come out to the Meadowgreen Fair and BBQ on Tuesday, May 29th from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. in Meadowgreen Park (Ave Y and 18th Street West).  The event will take place in the adjacent school if it rains.

This year Sylvia, a children's entertainer, will be performing at 5 p.m. with Watching Eye Magic following.  Don't miss the excitement of the Saskatoon Juggling Club as well.  Something for everyone.

There will be hamburgers and hot dogs and lots of watermelon to quench your hunger.  As well, SCYAP will be face-painting, Appollo Jump will provide jumpers and the Mendel Art Caravan will have children's activities.

Do check out the displays in the Community Room and be sure to enter our door prize draw.

Come out and enjoy the entertainment.  Funding provided by Saskatchewan Lotteries and Meadowgreen Community Association.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Community Clean-up Canceled - May 6, 2012

The Commmunity Clean-up scheduled for today is canceled due to the weather.  Who would believe it would rain for 24 hours?  Hope to see the sun shine soon!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Executive Meeting Feb. 28, 2012

The Executive discussed a number of community items at the MCA meeting.
Fundraising is a priority to raise money for the Community Fair and Barbeque in the spring as well as to fund a Meadowgreen sign on the corner of 22nd Street and Witney Avenue. Community members will be asked to purchase tickets to support the project in the coming month.
Soccer registration has begun, if your child wishes to play in the Saskatoon outdoor soccer league please contact Yvonne at 955-0035 asap. Children ages 3 to 10 are able to play in this league.
March 20th is the Community meeting to discuss Citizen Patrol/Crime and the South Circle Drive/11th Street/ Bridge. Residents are invited to attend the meeting at W.P. Bate School at 7 p.m. in the Community Room to hear from the Saskatoon Police and the City's Infrastructure Services people.
Graffitti in Meadowgreen is on the rise. Citizens are reminded to first photograph the graffitti and then clean it off their property. The Police want citizens to report all incidents of graffitti. It is important to remove tags immediately as this is how gangs establish their territory by tagging the area with their colors/name etc. If you think something is happening in our community that should be reported to the Police please contact Bob as he is our representative on the Saskatoon Police Community Committee for Central Division.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Outdoor Soccer Registration, February 28, 2012

It is snowing outside but it is time to start thinking about spring - and that means soccer. Children ages 3 to 10 may register for soccer on February 28th from 5 to 7 p.m. at W. P. Bate School, 2500 18th Street West. Children playing with Meadowgreen teams are part of Saskatoon Youth Soccer and thus will be playing in Meadowgreen and other communities in the City. Parents will need to transport their children to games once a week in May and June. There will also be a soccer practice once a week and the day will depend on the team's coach. Soccer begins May 1st (weather permitting) and ends the last week in June.

Soccer Registration fees stay the same as last year Under 6 and Under 8 at $50 per child and Under 10 registration fee is $65. Please note that soccer fees may be covered by applying for Kids Sport funding. For more information about Meadowgreen soccer or to volunteer to help, please contact Yvonne at 955-0035.