The Meadowgreen Fair will be June 1st beginning at 5 p.m. At 5 p.m. the W.P.Bate School Metis Jiggers will entertain the crowd. At 5:30 p.m. the Saskatoon City Police Bicycle Patrol will give a talk about bicycle safety. At 6:00 p.m. Beeper the Clown will do a magic show and at 6:30 p.m. get ready to kick up your heels with the Hub City Square Dancing Club. As well there will be plenty of displays and information booths for everyone's enjoyment and the Saskatoon Street Legal Race car will be on display along with a City Fire Truck - so bring your cameras. As well there will be an oversized boxing gloves so come and duk it out. There will be plenty of food, drink and entertainment.
Come out and visit with your friends and neighbors! Rain or shine the Meadowgreen Fair will be taking place at Meadowgreen Park and W.P. Bate School 18th Street and Avenue Y South.