Sunday, October 17, 2010

Annual General Meeting

The Meadowgreen Community Association was held on October 5, 2010 at W.P. Bate School in the Community Room. The Directors presented reports as to the Association's accomplishments last year. The Meadowgreen Constitution was revised as presented and then elections took place. The Executive for 2010-1011 is President - Pat Tymchatyn; Vice-President - Gordon Wensley; Civics Director - Peter Kozakavich; Treasurer - Vicki Roy; Secretary - Diane Fisher; Newsletter Editor - Brad Peters; Housing Coordinator - Jerry Bartzen; Program Coordinator - Yvonne Boehr; Community Watch - Bob Roy; Rink Coorinator - Alfred Bobier. The positions of Seniors Coordinator and Newsletter Distribution remain vacant.

Issues noted at the meeting included keeping the stroll away from Meadowgreen, community notification of Director's meetings, and housing issues. The Executive was thanked for their work.