Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Meadowgreen Association Meeting - Dec. 15, 2009

A number of initiatives were the result of the Meadowgreen Community Association meeting on December 15, 2009. The Executive chose three types of signs to pursue to find the right sign for Meadowgreen. The sign will say "Meadowgreen Welcomes You!"
The sign(s) location is to determined - 22nd & Witney; west of Witney by the trees (west of the recycle bin) and Ave W near the apartment buildings are all locations to be explored. There was some thought to the new Circle Drive and whether a sign should be on the outside of Meadowgreen.

A monument/marker is to be put in the Old W.P.Bate location - the now called Dutchak Park on Ottawa Avenue and 19th Street. Bricks have been saved from the old school. One type of marker -that perhaps might work - is like the Leif Erickson Park (Ave P and 23rd Street.

A community gathering will be held in May - likely the last week in May. A safety fair will be held in the gym.

Rink Weather
It is time to get the Meadowgreen CA Rink up and going - now that the weather has turned cold. Check back for information on when the rink is ready for skating.