The Community Room was filled with informative displays from various community groups including the Saskatoon Police Service Community Watch, SIAST Student Recruitment, White Buffalo Lodge, Saskatoon Community Heath etc.
The Saskatoon Fire Department brought out their vintage fire truck which was a hit with young and old. The Saskatoon Police Street Legal race car was also on display. The biggest hit with the youngest participants was Beeper the Clown - who kept everyone entertained with her Magic Show and then the many animal balloons she made! Wow!!!
Not to be out done the Hub City Square Dancing and Round Dance Association came out and entertained the crowd with square dancing and then had the crowd participating. If you look at the circle on the right and notice the gentleman in shorts it is a Saskatoon Police Office, from the Bicyle Patrol, giving a try at square dancing. What a good sport - not to mention dancer! (Click on the picture to see a close-up.)
Overall the evening was a lot of fun and excitement for all the participants. MCA would like to thank everyone who came out and helped us make the event memorable including Ebenezer Baptist Church (All Nations Center on Ave W) for barbequing and donating food, all the exhibitors who came out, Mendel Art Gallery Art Caravan, Saskatoon Police Bicycle Patrol, Saskatoon Police Street Legal Race Car, Hub City Square Dancing Association and the W.P. Bate Metis Jiggers. Thanks as well to Sask Lotteries for providing some funding to help us put on this event.