On March 16th the Meadowgreen Community Association met to discuss community issues.
Soccer registration took place and five teams will be entered into the Saskatoon Youth Soccer. Saskatoon Youth Soccer has taken on Popsicle as its sponsor for 10 and Under soccer league. The Executive noted that with today's concern about obesity in children perhaps SYC should consider the health issues prior to obtaining sponsors. Outdoor soccer will start in May.
Two pedestrian walkways that need repairs were reported to the City: between Witney and Montreal where a car hit a concrete post and rebar is sticking out and the walkway between the old W.P. Bate School and Montreal Ave which hasn't been fixed since it was dug up 2 years ago.
The Community Barbeque and Safety Fair will be taking place on June 1st at Meadowgreen Park and W.P. Bate School. The school has been approached for entertainment items. Community residents who may want to participate should approach an Executive member or call Pat at 382-6514.
Peter Pond Park,between the 200 block of Ottawa and Winnipeg South, will receive NEW playground equipment this spring. The Executive noted that the City is replacing the present preteen equipment with limited toddler equipment. The Executive is against the removal of the present swing to be replaced with a small toddler swing. The Executive has sent a letter to the City requesting that the Park equipment meet the same preteen playground equipment needs and that if they want to meet the toddler requirements that this be an add on.
A resident has requested a Meadowgreen Garage Sale. The Executive has decided that May 8th will be the date of the Meadowgreen Garage Sale. This date will be noted in the April newsletter.
The next Meadowgreen newsletter will be out in mid-April. April 9th is the last day for articles for the newsletter. Please contact Brad Peters regarding the newsletter.